Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Epitome of Un-Techsavy

After reading the article about digital stories I really started to think about how using modern technology as a means of expression isn't necessarily fair. I'm not saying that it's not a great thing and a fantastic method of communication for some people, but for my sake and all those who, like myself, lack all sort of technological logic, I hope that other, more traditional forms of expression don't become extinct. Obviously someone who really enjoys and understands computers is going to be more likely to have a great digital story because he or she can fiddle and mess around on the computer much better than the technologically challenged. It might seem like laziness, but sometimes the bare minimum is all I can really do when it comes to computers, because if I try anything else, I end up wiping out my hardrive, losing all my music, and blowing up my laptop. So, just putting this out there, don't be shocked if my digital presentation isn't super cool and full of crazy effects, because lets be honest, im a tech failure!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!


  1. Gyra you are hilarious lol...

    I definitely do understand what you mean, though. While I am more on the tech-savvy side of the fence, there are so many extra components in a digital story. Collectively, these extra things take so much effort to effectively convey that when I made my digital story for Carlos' class, I found myself still frustrated after spending hours working on it.

    I know that there are plenty of people in the TLC to help with stuff like that (and thank goodness they are), but I really hope writing stays at the forefront of communication because figuring things like digital stories out for yourself isn't the most fun thing to do.

  2. I totally agree. I am just as technologically challenged as you are and I'm pretty nervous about this project. I guess I am just hoping that my content will be good enough to overshadow my less than satisfactory animations.

  3. Yeah I have to admit, when he explained that a good digital story takes about 15-20 hours to complete, I felt so overwhelmed. While the technical aspect of it is sure to be frustrating at times, I'm more worried about making what seems to me like a somewhat dull topic into an interesting and compelling digital narrative. How are we supposed to develop some sort of climactic experience when we are discussing how a professor views their writing process? I'm just not getting it lol.

  4. ryan, i love that you just used "lol" in a comment- highlight of my blog reading experience
