Friday, November 19, 2010

L is for the way I look at you..

So, if anyone has read Allie's blog about our final project, I hope that you will consider perhaps having us proofread your love letters one day! we are obsessed with love if we haven't made that clear yet!

We are so so so excited about doing this! I think it is a great idea and if ever implemented, it could really help get the writing center's name out on campus. Not everyone is necessarily interested in writing academic papers, but who isn't interested in LOVE!?

Sure, it might not seem like a huge community innitiative, and it might seem a but silly....but this is something very doable that could impact our writing center. Realisticly, we cant create our own digital sorty inaitiave in the Richmond community, but this, a love letter project, is something that we can actually do and enjoy. We have some great ideas and are excited to share them with you guys!
Also, Rachel has a boyfriend, but since Allie and I don't, we are hoping that this project might also help us find significant others.... I mean, if our potential men can't write us grammatically correct love letters, what's the point???


  1. Gyra,
    I am SO PUMPED for this project. Reaching the students themselves is so important, and what better way then love? It'll be interesting to see if there are any other similar marketing strategies being used by other universities or campuses and what we can learn from them.

    Let's talk about writing, baby

  2. Gyra, this is an embarrassing post. You make a great point though. Who wants a man that can't write a well written love letter??

  3. Hahaha this is hilarious and I can't wait to see how it turns out. I am sure it will be great and I think you guys have come up with a really cool unique idea. Good luck with it!!
