Sunday, November 14, 2010

well thats just how its done in a Amerrrica

Like Allie, I also find myself totally brain farting on our speakers name from class on Wednesday.... maybe its because she introduced herself in Turkish??? Regardless, I thought that her talk was interesting and her video was certainly helpful on giving us an insight when it comes to the social and academic lives of foreign students. The thing I thought was most interesting though, was the fact that she told us that we could just tell foreign students who questioned some of the writing processes, that that's just the way it's done in American schools. While that is really the only excuse for the way we write, it just seems a little insensitive to put it so bluntly. There is no explanation, no evidence to support the claim, just simply " because you're at an American university now." It's like when you're a little kid and you really want to get 14 candy bars and when you ask your parents why you cant and they say, " because I said so".... how unsatisfying!!! I guess that sometimes you just have to be blunt to get a point across, but I think that I'm going to try to come up with a less sharp( and probably significantly more rambly way) to let foreign students know that they are in a new place with new academic customs and if they want to find success here, they might have to adapt to a different way of writing!

1 comment:

  1. Gyra I definitely agree. It seemed a little harsh. It reminded me of Talladega Nights when the french guy says "Oui" and Will Ferrel says "Noooo WE speak Am-ur-i-can (my best spelling of the way he says it) because we are in America!" Seems a little insensitive to me as well and I think there definitely could be a nicer way of putting it. I think instead of saying that is just the way it is I might attempt to explain why it is that way or at least explain to them that it doesn't make too much sense to me either.
