Monday, November 22, 2010

Research seems to take me down the weirdest paths....

So it's day three of my individual research... Yesterday I touched on this idea of how much collaboration is too much collaboration. So I went on a search this afternoon for another article about collaboration... I found one ( there seems to be a ton) and while I was reading one particular idea stuck out to me.... naturally, since my brain seems to go everywhere, it has nothing to do with collaboration! However, it was really interesting so I wanted to share with you guys! I think its the most interesting because it's talking about our generation and how the student today is very different from the student before. I guess the question is, are we really different students from our previous generations, or is it that we are starting to find more information about the way people learn in modern day universities? I wanted to share with you guys an expert from the article... i cant copy and past it, but here is the link and its about half way down page three...

It is talking about how so many more perceptions of intelligence are arising... its not just about linguistic or mathematical intelligence these days... students can have so many other forms of intelligence that cannot be easily molded to fit the two pre-existing standards for intelligence.

To be honest, and feel free to judge, this part of the article really stuck out to me because a little part of me always seems to wonder why some people who struggle with writing don't try that hard to fix it... i mean, after all, writing seems to be the most important skill out there right?? wrong. this article is showing me that not everyone learns in terms of words like I do- not everyone can put their thoughts down on paper in a clear, organized, cohesive manner... but maybe they can write symphonies or do insane math problems in their heads.... I guess everyone just has their thing and who is to say that my thing is the best thing? I really need to keep in mind, as a student, person, and consultant, that everyone has different strengths, and I have to respect that not everyone is as invested in writing as I am!

I mean if the world takes a turn towards technology, I'm done for, so I think that maybe I need to work on expanding my own mind and considering some other forms of expression!

Have a great great great Thanksgiving break everyone! EAT TONS OF PUMPKIN DESSERTS- I suggest going to Starbucks, getting a pumpkin spice latte, and then blogging about it using their free wi-fi! ( not that thats what I'm doing right now... maybe.... ahhhh its just so tasty!)

1 comment:

  1. Gyra, I think that is an extremely interesting point about people having different kinds of intelligences. I have always wondered why books and essays seemed to be so easy for me, but I could stare at a math problem for an hour and have no idea where to even start. It is really interesting the way that some people just get certain things without even really knowing why or putting too much effort into it. Definitely gets me thinking
