Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Just One of Those Weeks...

This just seems to be one of those weeks for everyone... it's the week where all your papers are due, you have 2 midterms, you start wellness classes, its raining, your mom feels particularly needy and calls daily, your nose starts getting all stuffed up, and you don't have any time to get to the gym, and.... ect

Despite the super busyness though, try to keep in mind that soon it'll be fall break! We can catch up on all the sleep we lost, detox and drink non caffeinated beverages, put our planners down, and just relax!

This week will be terrible and rough on everyone, but I'm wishing you all the best of luck with all your assignments. I've really enjoyed commenting on, and reading all the comments on the blogs this past week as people try to rack up their citizenship points- everyone has such interesting things to say and such fantastic outlooks on our futures as writing consultants!

So again, goodluck with all your work! Cya guys on Wednesday! If anyone needs hugs, I love to hug and will probably be in desperate need of one myself!

1 comment:

  1. Gyra, I'm glad to hear this from someone else! I'm currently sitting in bed with a redbull, my laptop, and several open books...deciding which assignment to tackle first. I agree, fall break is much needed and will likely rejuvenate most of us students disillusioned by what we consider excessive (and come on, we're usually right). Anyways, I'm definitely glad our digital story isn't due right after break!
