Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Shockingly Enough, I'm Flustered Again!

So I'm getting kind of nervous for class today because we might go over my article response. For some reason, I fear the judgement! I'm usually not shy about sharing my writing, and I really do appreciate constructive criticism on my writing because it will help me to improve, yet despite that, I'm still nervous. I wonder if this is how students feel when they bring their papers to the writing center. Are they nervous that we will judge them based on their writing? Do they get antsy as you sit there going over your corrections? Despite being nervous about the judgment of my paper, I know that I would never judge a person by their writing, so I hope that students don't feel anxiety about coming to the writing center.

Everyone seems to be very attached to their writing. You can't help but take it a little personally. However, I guess we just have to keep in mind that offering someone advice is ultimately going to help them in the end. They might not like it while you're doing it, but it will ultimately make them a better writer. It's like, I'd want my friend to tell me if my shirt made me look fat... I'd be upset when she told me, but in the long run I would be appreciative that she let me know! ( So Allie, when we go out and my shirt makes me look fat, just tell me!!!)


  1. First of all, as your roommate I think that 5:39 is far to early to be posting a blog.

    Secondly, I think sitting back and watching your classmates discuss your writing might be even more intimidating than bringing a paper for one person to review. Don't worry though-- we're all in it together! Cheesy I know, but all of us will have an experience "in the fish bowl".

    Lastly, the same goes for me. Always tell me when and outfit is just not working out!

  2. Gyra, you crack me up!
    As a person who has been writing and sharing writing my writing for a LONG time now, I just want to say that you never get over feeling nervous when others are talking about your writing! But I have learned to like it more, and find it very useful. The kind of discussion I like best is when people respect my writing and give me their impressions of it, acting more like a mirror than a judge. It helps me to hear what the reader is taking away from what they read, and then I can decide if that is what I want my reader to take away! I also find that just reading my writing out loud (or having someone else read it out loud) is often the most powerful review!It helps me hear my writing as a reader "hears" it--know what I mean?
