Sunday, October 3, 2010

Numbers? Wait I do words

So, I wrote my article response on Summer Smith's article, but i just wanted to add a few thoughts that I didn't get a chance to explore thoroughly in my review. There are a few discombobulated things that I just wanted to point out because I thought they were interesting. There's really no rhyme or reason to my thoughts... just some randomness!

Mainly, I wanted to say that I thought that Smith's use of numbers was interesting. There is usually this established separation between math and english, but I thought her charts and percentages were an effective way to get her point across.
Im usually not a supporter of numbers at all- i avoid them like the plague- if i never saw another number again in my life i would be completely satisfied, but I thought that the percentages really helped to get the readers attention in Smith's article.

On a more random side note, while I don't think that the way teacher's write comments is going to change anytime soon, I really did like her article. It was a great example of being able to respect something with which I don't really agree. I think that she supports her points well and offers quite a bit of information to further highlight her claims, and I thought it was a well written article. ( Besides all the typos.... I don't know if it was just my computer, but did anyone else notice the crazy amount of typos? I was so confused!!)

That's my random thought process for that article! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. As writing consultants, I think it's important for us to always be professional and give complete respect to those we consult. It is often difficult to not argue with something that we don't believe in, but if we put our own personal beliefs aside, we can really help them with their writing.
