Monday, October 4, 2010

Q: What do you want to do with that major? A: find a husband

So, today I went to ask professor Dolson a quick question about our blog papers, and ended up having one of those spur of the moment conversations that leave you walking out of the room thinking, Wow. It was myself, professor Dolson, and another member of our class and we ended up talking for the full class period. One of the things that we discussed is what we are going to do... SO STRESSFUL. The other girl knew exactly what she wanted to do and she had been planning on teaching since high school, where as, I have no idea what I want to do and oftentimes try to avoid all sorts of conversations that may end up with me seeming like a total air headed English/ Spanish major who really is just looking for a husband. However, I took this opportunity to try something new... instead of making it seem pathetic that i didn't really know what I wanted to do, I just said, I know exactly what I like and exactly what I don't like; hopefully, that will take me somewhere!

The most valuable advice I have ever gotten is to take the time to know yourself- know what time of the day you do the best work, how much background noise you can have when you work, what is a good way for you to relive stress.... just small things that will help you discover who you are, because that will take you exactly where you need to go.

I think that this can be applied to our futures as writing consultants. I feel that you should learn and reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses as both a writer and a teacher. Are you more comfortable editing on the computer or by hand? Do you review papers better in the afternoon, or in the night? Do you like to talk to your student before hand? I feel, or at least i hope, that getting to know ourselves a little bit better will make us better writing consultants.

Granted, despite my commentary about knowing who i am, I still had to add that I'm looking for a husband, so if you guys have any good husband potentials, just let me know!


  1. I think you have really given some really good advice here. Not only your advice for our class (in the hopes of being a writing consultant) but also for all the students in our class who aren't sure what they are going to do after college. Finding oneself through college can be the hardest but most rewarding experiences. I think you are on the right track with both school and finding that husband ;)

  2. Gyra just always has such good advice. What she has to say about knowing yourself really does apply to life as well as being a Writing Consultant. When will you be able to help a student best? Morning? Afternoon? Night? We should try to learn this about ourselves so that we can hold hours at the best times.

    This whole blogging thing has really grown on me...maybe I'll blog when I become a Writing Consultant. That way I'll be able to learn about myself as a writing colleague.

    I am also looking for a good husband so if you would like to set Gyra and I up on a double date that would be fantastic.

  3. Hahahah I loved the title of this and the comments about finding a husband. If anything, at least it lightened my stressful week a bit. I agree though about the knowing ourselves thing. I think that it definitely is an important part of the process and we can do a better job in consulting by understanding our strengths and weaknesses.
