Sunday, October 24, 2010


ok, so shockingly enough my title once again gives away how I'm feeling... but I just wanted to say how great I thought all the digital stories were! I really enjoyed watching them in class and I think that everyone did a really great job taking the assignment seriously and coming up with some great work! Not only was I impressed with how great all the videos turned out in terms of the technological aspects, I was even more impressed with how different they all were! I think it really shows how we all managed to come up with our very own versions of a story from the interviews. Everyones video was a reflection of how they interpreted the interview and what they thought was important and how they chose to express that. I think it is sometimes really hard to come up with an interesting story from an interview experience- it can be kind of dry, but everyones videos were so fun to watch! Thanks so much for sharing with us!!

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